Peace Taker #2- Past Better than Present? Part 2 (TMF:671)

Peace to Live By: Peace Taker #2- Past Better than Present? Part 2 (TMF:671) - Daniel Litton
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       We should enjoy the present time—our current ‘now’ time. There are always troubles in any given day, but we need to enjoy life the best we can. We should enjoy our jobs, our work, and enjoy eating our meals; this makes us happy. Every day that God has given us is a gift, and if we see each day—each time slot we have—as a gift, we can then enjoy it. A lot of people, for instance, like to wish away their work week. They are always looking forward to the weekend at the expense of the present. There’s nothing wrong with looking forward for the weekend to come, but we shouldn’t view each of our workdays as undesirable and not enjoy them. Try to enjoy the present. Squeeze all you can out of the present time, making the most of it. Sure it may not be as good and fun as the weekend, but it’s still a time that can be enjoyed.