Wrong Attitudes- A Fearful Mindset, Part 5 (TMF:595)

Peace to Live By: Wrong Attitudes- A Fearful Mindset, Part 5 (TMF:595) - Daniel Litton
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       The way we combat Satan in the face of fear is by reminding ourselves of what God has said in his Word, of what is true. Again, Satan will try to fill our minds with lies. He will often attack us when we have too little going on, when we're bored, or when we have too much going on, when we are overwhelmed. He can get us when we're overwhelmed because all our capacities are being used for something else. He will present worries to us, possible situations or perceived notions about what others think. But it is our job to block Satan's constant attacks at us with our shield of faith, which Paul talked about in Ephesians chapter 6. We have to repeat the truth to ourselves, both in our minds and sometimes even out loud to ourselves, when we are alone. This helps us combat Satan's warfare against us. Remember? James tells us “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7, ESV). God is not going to allow Satan to press us so hard we can't win. If we will fight him, God promises that he will leave us alone to come back at a more opportune time.