We Can Trust God with What We Cannot Undo (TMF:830)

Peace to Live By: We Can Trust God with What We Cannot Undo (TMF:830) - Daniel Litton
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       We can trust God with what we cannot understand, with what we cannot undo in life. We can trust in the fact that God is working behind the scenes, indeed working all things together for good for those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose (see Romans 8:28, ESV). Nonetheless, it can be, and certainly at time is, hard to trust God with certain life situations. It is hard to bridle our minds, to keep them in subjection to his perfect plan and will—to trust him with all the details, and to even trust him with our own failings. We like to reason things out in our lives, to come up with and have all the answers to our problems. But we should know better. We have to come to learn that we usually don’t have all the answers. Remember, being negative, or regretful, or wishing things had turned out another way isn’t going to do us any good.