You Can Eliminate Wrong Thoughts & Attitudes (TMF:685)

Peace to Live By: You Can Eliminate Wrong Thoughts & Attitudes (TMF:685) - Daniel Litton
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       In closing today, I know some of you have been listening to what I’ve been discussing about these different things that take our peace, and you’ve felt convicted about some of what I have said. Well, don’t worry. We all have areas where improvement is needed. If you have felt convicted today, set some time aside and go over with God what you need to, and then try to keep your mind in his Word on a daily basis. It becomes more and more difficult for us to not be cultivating peace in our minds if we are continually immersing ourselves in the right things. It would be good for you to create a list of Bible verses that speak to you and your area of need, and go over those verses daily to help you cultivate a more peaceful mindset. You can eliminate wrong thoughts, wrong attitudes; we all can. Now perhaps today you’ve been listening to what I’ve been discussing but you’re not a Christian, and see one or more of these incorrect lines of thought as dominant in your own mind. Well, today, I want you to know that God loves you and wants to be in a personal relationship with you. He wants to help you become a better person and have a peaceful mind. He wants to help all of us become more like Jesus, and that includes you today.