Balanced Fathering Begets Peaceful Children (TMF:664)

Peace to Live By: Balanced Fathering Begets Peaceful Children (TMF:664) - Daniel Litton
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       Finally, sub-point four is this: “Fathers, don’t scold your children so much that they become discouraged and quit trying.” Remember, Dads, don’t be too hard on your children, but give them discipline where and when necessary, but do not discipline them too much or for things that really don’t matter. Note that God doesn’t discipline you every time you sin against him, so you should not be overbearing on your child or children. The right amount of discipline promotes peace in the household. Too much discipline promotes chaos, discord, fearful children, and an upset wife. And it is also good and necessary for you to motive your child where he or she has interests, and help cultivate that interest in him and her. Spend time with your children. Go to their concerts, games, or whatever it be, and show interest in what they like. Every child is different and unique, but try to keep discipline the same for each child. Do not show favoritism among your children, as God does not either.