Peace Taker #2- Past Better than Present? Part 1 (TMF:670)

Peace to Live By: Peace Taker #2- Past Better than Present? Part 1 (TMF:670) - Daniel Litton
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       Number two: Thinking the past was better than the present. “Don’t long for “the good old days,” for you don’t know whether they were any better than these!” (Ecclesiastes 7:10, TLB). King Solomon’s advice here is key, that from glancing in the rear-view-mirror, things do look better in the past. When we do think about good periods of time or things we did from our past, they always look better than they actually were. But just take a vacation as an example. Think of the last time you took a trip. If you think about that vacation (considering it was a good one), you’re probably only going to mostly remember that good things about it. That’s what pictures do, right? The pictures we take are the highlights of the good places we went and the cool things that we saw. The pictures don’t show us the bad times, like the times we couldn’t find a hotel to spend the night at, or was longing for the next rest area to come. Or the poor service we got at that restaurant in the middle of nowhere. We should enjoy the present time—our current ‘now’ time. There are always troubles in any given day, but we need to enjoy life the best we can.