Do We Need to Have a Specific Date? Part 1 (TMF:744)

Peace to Live By: Do We Need to Have a Specific Date? Part 1 (TMF:744) - Daniel Litton
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       Now, for some people, they don’t have a specific date that they can single out as to when they became a Christian. For them, it was more of a gradual process. There was a seed planted here, and then there, until as time passed by, they identified with Christ, that they wanted to and were following the Christian ways, the correct ways of all time. Sometimes this is just how God works in person’s life. We cannot, and should not, place God in a box and say that every Christian there is needs to have a specific date at which time the person accepted Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior. That’s just not the way it is for everyone. The Bible doesn’t say a person has to have a specific date. If we go to the Old Testament, I think we can see a lot of examples where people became ‘saved,’ or righteous before God in his sight (as it was called back then), and these people did not perhaps even know they became saved. Let’s look at Abraham as a specific example. The Bible says that when Abraham believed the words that God had spoken to him, that that was what made Abraham to become righteous in God’s sight, to be saved.