We are Not to Follow a Set of Rules from the Bible (TMF:868)

Peace to Live By: We are Not to Follow a Set of Rules from the Bible (TMF:868) - Daniel Litton
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       We all have a collection of habits we have formed, patterns that shape out our daily lives. Now, we can, and many of us did in the past, let our fleshly desires—those fleshly thoughts and impulses that just randomly come to our minds, which are guided and carried along by the world—we let those ways shape our lives. But, once we became a Christian, we realized we needed to change from following those instincts, to following the ways of God. And so, we read the Bible and saw what God had to say about our behavior, and how he wants us to act in varying life circumstances and situations. But, you see, that’s where most Christians stop. That’s where they hang up their coats and stay awhile. That’s where I was for years. We just live Christianity following a set of rules we formulate from the Bible; we make a religion out of it rather than a life ‘experience’ out of it. We should not be making decisions based off of rigorous laws we have created from the pages of Scripture. Many have to learn to be in tune with God’s Spirit, to be led by him.