The Temptation of Jesus in the Desert, Part 1 (TMF:627)

Peace to Live By: The Temptation of Jesus in the Desert, Part 1 (TMF:627) - Daniel Litton
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       Now, both Matthew and Luke recorded for us the temptations of Jesus by Satan in the wilderness, or desert. It was part of God’s plan, however, for the Spirit of God led him there. And we see how Satan pressed him hard. Remember, Jesus was at the end of his fasting period, as Matthew tells us. First, Satan tried to appeal to his basic hunger, trying to appeal to the weakness of his flesh. And this is where Satan is most successful with us most of the time. When that didn’t work, Satan tried to get Jesus to show off his power and connection to God by getting him to jump off the Temple in front of everyone, but land on the ground okay. Of course, Jesus wasn’t going to do that, as that would be a misuse of God’s power, among other things. Finally, Satan tried to get him to bow and worship him, as he promised him he would have given him all the kingdoms of the world if he did. Luke recorded for us that Satan said, ““To you I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will. If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours” (Luke 4:6-7, ESV).