The Spirit Helps Our Character Development (TMF:870)

Peace to Live By: The Spirit Helps Our Character Development (TMF:870) - Daniel Litton
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       As we go along our journeys, the Spirit will point out new things that need to be corrected. And we are to work on these things when he points them out, eliminating bad habits and forming good, new ones. We are seeking to be perfect (though we will not attain it in this life) as we continue to bring our thoughts, words, and behaviors in agreement to the Lordship of the Spirit, the Lordship of Christ. We do not make decisions anymore based on our fleshly impulses and desires, or at least, we try not to most of the time. We don’t make decisions either based off of what this world says we should do, following the ways of those around us who don’t know Christ. So, because we are filled with God’s Word, which works in conjunction with our being filled with the Spirit, the Holy Spirit helps us to make good and right decisions. We live through faith with love—having a right ‘heart’ attitude, as we live out Scripture. The Spirit even guides us in the gray areas.