Peace Taker #10- A Negative Self-Image, Part 2 (TMF:692)

Peace to Live By: Peace Taker #10- A Negative Self-Image, Part 2 (TMF:692) - Daniel Litton
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       King David said to God in Psalm 139, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well” (139:14, ESV). It is true that God spent a lot of time intricately making each one of us, designed us as his image-bearer how he wanted us. We were so important to God that he sent his Son to the earth to die in our place, which reconciled us to him. So, we definitely have value, as Jesus said, and God definitely cares for us. While this fact alone will give us peace of mind, we need to love ourselves inwardly since God loves us as much as he does. When we realize we are one-of-a-kind, and are designed with particular interests and abilities, we can learn to love ourselves more. This can make us less critical of ourselves, and we can stop comparing ourselves to others, another thing that will take our peace from us. We are who we are, and that is how God has made us. There is peace in understanding that fact.