We Can Live By Following the Spirit's Leading (TMF:845)

Peace to Live By: We Can Live By Following the Spirit's Leading (TMF:845) - Daniel Litton
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       The Holy Spirit then enables us to live each day through to the fullest extent. Now, we can incorrectly choose to live through rules we make and create out of the pages of Scripture, or we can live by following the Spirit’s leading through the pages of Scripture. Remember, the Apostle Paul said, “But now we are released from the law, having died to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code” (Romans 7:6, ESV). The Jewish law brought the Israelites spiritual death because they could not become righteous by following its commands, and neither can we today become righteous and acceptable in God’s sight by following any ‘law’ system that we create. We as Christians automatically are set to “walk… according to the Spirit” and not the flesh (Romans 8:1, ESV, see also vv. 4, 5).