Wrong Attitudes- An Unforgiving Spirit, Part 5 (TMF:601)

Peace to Live By: Wrong Attitudes- An Unforgiving Spirit, Part 5 (TMF:601) - Daniel Litton
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       In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus told us to pray, “Forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven our debtors.” It is a requirement when we pray to God that we have forgiven others the offenses they've committed against us, no matter what the offense. This is because of what Jesus has done for us, going all the way to the cross for all our sins against God. Because he showed so great a love for us, we need to show great love toward others. It is very insulting to God when we wont forgive our neighbor for a wrong they've done to us. Let me tell you that if you have unforgiveness in your heart, that it's not worth it. Satan will use bitterness to rob you of your life. It’s not worth harboring resentment against a person or persons for an event that's happened in the past. Now, perhaps you're both guilty in whatever situation has transpired. But even if the other person hasn't forgiven you, you need to forgive the person. It is very freeing to forgive others for the wrongs they done against us. It shows God's goodness. It shows that God's love is more powerful than any offense.