Wrong Attitudes- A Negative Mindset, Part 4 (TMF:580)

Peace to Live By: Wrong Attitudes- A Negative Mindset, Part 4 (TMF:580) - Daniel Litton
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       Let’s take a moment here and consider some sayings from James’ epistle. If we turn or tap to chapter 3, we can see a lot of useful information about what we say in our lives. As a matter of fact, read the whole chapter, and chapter 4, when you get a chance, as there is a lot of useful information here on this subject. I would like to note verses 5 and 6, which state: “How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell” (ESV). As we all know, it doesn’t take much to be said to start a firestorm. We see this in the media all the time. Something small is said, and it turns out to be the evenings headlines. The person may have been malicious or may have not been trying to say anything wrong. What we say can even go as far to mess up our lives, as James noted, and can cause people not to trust us.