Peace Taker #5- Wanting to Know It All, Part 3 (TMF:679)

Peace to Live By: Peace Taker #5- Wanting to Know It All, Part 3 (TMF:679) - Daniel Litton
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       We know that typically the more we learn about—the more knowledge we increase—the more the possibilities of things to worry about or be afraid of. Yeah, it is nice to learn and have a greater knowledge database in our minds, but it doesn’t come free, but rather with a price. Some people want to know everything they can, but becoming a ‘know-it-all’ can actually remove peace from our lives. This can be especially true when we seek to learn things about other people, or problems other people may be facing, all the while not really needing to know that information. Sometimes other people's problems, the one’s we have no capacity to help others with, can actually reduce the peace in our minds. What good is it for us to learn about things in life that will cause us to worry, of which we have no control over? Learning about more things to be concerned about doesn’t help us cultivate our peaceful mindset. It is good to turn away from hearing more information about something if we really don’t need to know that information (see John 21:20-22 & 1 Thessalonians 4:11).