We Are Not to Quench the Spirit in Our Lives (TMF:855)

Peace to Live By: We Are Not to Quench the Spirit in Our Lives (TMF:855) - Daniel Litton
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       Now, we are not to quench the Spirit (see 1 Thess. 5:19). When we don’t receive conviction from the Spirit, we quench him and his work. And then, after rejecting it more and more, we then can face personal discipline from the Lord, which I don’t think any of us want. Think of it like when you do something wrong at work. Often, the first time, you will receive a verbal warning for whatever you did wrong. And you may even receive two or three verbal warnings. But if you don’t change your behavior, you may get written up with an official warning. That’s a more severer form of discipline. It could be the case that we are not sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s conviction in our lives. We should pray that we become sensitive to his conviction, and that he will help us to be aware of his leading. We can depend on our flesh to make improvement in our lives, or we can depend on the Holy Spirit. We need to do all things through the Spirit instead of fleshly efforts. Jesus told us in John 6:63, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (ESV).