Do We Need to Have a Specific Date? Part 2 (TMF:745)

Peace to Live By: Do We Need to Have a Specific Date? Part 2 (TMF:745) - Daniel Litton
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       The Bible says that when Abraham believed the words that God had spoken to him, that that was what made Abraham to become righteous in God’s sight, to be saved. Now, Abraham probably didn’t even know that this act of believing God for what he said made him righteous before Him. If you would have asked Abraham when he became a believer in God, he probably wouldn’t have determined that time as the time God had established. And with David, it is probably the same way. In the New Testament, there seems to be a greater emphasis on an exact moment of conversion, but again, I do not believe that knowing when this moment occurred is even necessary for the Christian. Most often, if you look at the moments where Christ is witnessed, it is done in a public setting of which a speaker commands people to repent of their sin and accept Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for them. And because of this, there tends to be a notable moment where people accept the Gospel. Of course, there is an actual ‘moment’ in time when the salvation of each and every individual occurs, but sometimes people don’t know when that moment occurred.