You Can Live at Peace with Others, Part 2 (TMF:657)

Peace to Live By: You Can Live at Peace with Others, Part 2 (TMF:657) - Daniel Litton
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       With non-Christians as well, we can do our part at living in peace with all of them. Now living in peace with them doesn’t mean we agree with everything they believe about the world (as some would like to say it has to mean). It is true that times will come in our lives when certain individuals don’t like us for what we stand for or what we believe. But that’s ok. Jesus told us that was going to happen. But we can do our part to still be nice to others even when they are not nice to us. We can work to love others who don’t love us in return, or those whom we know have something against it. Especially in today’s world, it is true that with certain positions we hold, moral or whatever, unbelievers are going to label us as the problem and as dividers. But we can still love them in return when they get mad as us, and not return their anger with anger ourselves. God loves everyone in the world, and so can we.