Deciding We Don’t Judge the Creator, Part 2 (TMF:2396)

Peace to Live By: Deciding We Don’t Judge the Creator, Part 2 (TMF:2396) - Daniel Litton
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       What I mean is that God allows humans to make choices and he refuses to interfere with those choices. Understanding things that way makes much more sense. If God controlled everyone’s choices, then no one would really be making choices in the first place. He would just be running everything behind the scenes. So, I have come to the conclusion in light of the fact that God allows us to choose things that he then is not at fault when things don’t work out in our favor. If someone else, say the business you work for, decides to make a choice that directly puts you out of work, that’s not God’s fault. He didn’t interfere with their choice. Now, God can work good for us and get us another job somewhere else, and he will do that for us, especially when we don’t judge him for our now negative circumstances. But it’s important to realize that God wasn’t at fault. He was bound by it just as much as you were. Sure, theoretically, he could have intervened and made things go a different direction. But he usually doesn’t do that.