When Praying, Quality over Quantity Part 2 (TMF:2408)

Peace to Live By: When Praying, Quality over Quantity Part 2 (TMF:2408) - Daniel Litton
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       Often what is focused on is the attitudes of the prayers, and certainly, there is a lot that can be said about that. But we can also focus on the fact that the Pharisee’s, or religious leader’s, prayer was a lot longer than that of the tax collector, or sinner we might say. The sinner’s prayer was a lot more basic and humble. It cut straight to the point of what the man wanted to say. It cut straight to the point of what the man wanted to say, and didn’t fluff anything up or make it unnecessarily wordy or long. The religious leader I’m sure was proud of his prayer in the way it sounded. That seems obvious. Or, we could jump to the scene in John 11 where Jesus is praying before the crowd right before he raises Lazarus from the dead. If we look at his prayer there, one in which he thanks God for answering his prayer, for what he is about to do before them all, we see that it is very basic. It is simply a ‘thanks’ and doesn’t take a paragraph to say that. Jesus cuts straight to the point, and that is good enough. That’s all there was to it. No need for great eloquence in words like we might think.