Walking in a Worthy Manner (TMF:2520)

Peace to Live By: Walking in a Worthy Manner, Part 1 (TMF:2520) - Daniel Litton
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       And we will realize, if we have relinquished pride to any great degree, that there are, at least in our day and age, multiple, many in fact, walks, or manners (plural), in which this is accomplished in the Christian realm. Not to say there are multiple moralities, or parallel universes (to go scientific and extreme), but only that there are multiple paths within Christianity that God accepts as approved, as worthy. We often call these denominations. Don’t misunderstand this statement to mean that all denominations are equally true in what they say (ah, pride), but just simply that God works with multiple groups thoroughly. We could say, the modern non-denominational, the Baptists, the Lutherans, the Methodists, the Presbyterians, the Mennonites, and many more. The problem becomes, and this has been witnessed in more than one denomination or sect, is when a group, or person for that matter, believes they have discovered the true truth, the true way, the correct denomination or sect, and that everyone else is in the wrong, or at least lacking significantly.