The Mutual Trust Between God & the Believer (TMF:2570)

Peace to Live By: The Mutual Trust Between God & the Believer (TMF:2570) - Daniel Litton
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       The good-old life experience with what the truth actually is and how it applies, and with experience in how God operates, with his faithfulness, grows our faith in our relationship with him. It would seem that as we grow closer and closer to God, that a mutual trust develops on each side. There is a trust wherein we understand God will provide for us and lead us in the right direction. And there is a trust God has in us wherein he knows, and believes that we will make good choices, and go in right directions. The idea that we are helpless individuals that always need God to point the way seems to be of lower consciousness, and doesn’t seem to be the experience the more mature that we get. So, in a way, the greater the maturity in character the more power that is bestowed on us, and perhaps the more freedom to choose the way ourselves. Hence, God becomes more open because he trusts us. (This is how we are with other people, right?).