Creating Easy Dictums from Scripture, Part 3 (TMF:2366)

Peace to Live By: Creating Easy Dictums from Scripture, Part 3 (TMF:2366) - Daniel Litton
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       At least to me it seems like it is a tall order. Being kind to everyone all the time? Wow, quite the feat. Yet, we know that the Apostle Paul told us we are treat others with kindness as one of the fruits of the Spirit. We are to treat others well, remember, and especially Christians?Another thing these short dictums are good for is when combating sinful habits, or even Satan himself. We know that Jesus modeled for us the reciting of verses in the presence of Satan when he himself was being tempted. That’s a hard thing, isn’t it, to picture that Jesus ever was tempted, or to think that Satan would even go there? But he did, and Jesus was, and it’s a good thing because it gives us a perfect example. So, if we have our dictums, then we can cut straight to the root of Satan’s temptation. One dictum we could create is, “Sexual immorality harms the body.” Again, not a direct quote from Scripture, but definitely found in there. This cuts straight to the point both of us and for Satan. We say that a few times and then that sin doesn’t seem so appealing anymore.