Relinquishing All or Nothing Thinking, Part 3 (TMF:2369)

Peace to Live By: Relinquishing All or Nothing Thinking, Part 3 (TMF:2369) - Daniel Litton
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       So, what ends up happening with statements like these is that they end up spreading false statements. They end up making Christians look bad because it looks like we are a bunch of labelers, a bunch of naive followers that really don’t know what we are saying. The only way I have found for me to overcome this type of thinking error is to give it up. It is to stop believing every generalization that I am told. To realize that things are often said for ‘shock value’ and have no basis of truth in them at all, or simply, just a small grain of truth. Sometimes people, and yes Christian leaders, want things to be a certain way. But, thankfully, they aren’t that way. The truth is, there are double the good angels versus the bad ones. God has more power than perhaps you believe. Jesus’ love has more control over the power and consciousness of mankind then you may think. Yes, it is in him that all things actually hold together. He is the reason that the world continues to go round and round, that evil doesn’t gain the upper hand and ruin everyone’s lives. The dictum then is shown to be true, “God is in control.”