Happiness Comes from the Inside, Part 4 (TMF:2350)
Friday, May 10, 2024
Peace to Live By: Happiness Comes from the Inside, Part 4 (TMF:2350) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)
  Jesus certainly taught us that the externals are subject to change. It’s what our internals are built upon that matters. One way we could look at this is to understand that we are all like pillars of light. Imagine with me, for a second, that we all emit light out from us. The difference between us is how much light we emit. Now, let’s imagine that not only do we emit light, but that light can have a positive influence on those whom it is shined upon. In view of that, that would mean that if we aren’t shining any light, we cannot have a positive effect on our environment. If we are shinning at half power, our lives will probably be mediocre. I think this is where a lot of people are. But, if we are shining our lights at a higher power, a higher brightness, then others are affected in the most positive way because of it. The good thing with that is that if we brighten up others, they will feel better, which will cause them to shine at a brighter level, until soon all around us is everyone shining brightly. It benefits us in the end.