Seeing the Effect of Our Prayer, Part 1 (TMF:2361)

Peace to Live By: Seeing the Effect of Our Prayer, Part 1 (TMF:2361) - Daniel Litton
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       We are a cause and effect type of people. We like to do things and then see the results of those things. Our prayer lists are often full. Truth be told, there is so much we could pray for—perhaps too much. The people in our world have a great abundance of needs. And depending on how wide and far our social circle is, the prayer requests will only pile up. People get sick. Finances aren’t always in the best of shape. Happiness isn’t always were it needs to be for people. And all these things produce prayer. So, that’s what we do. We pray and pray and pray. And then, usually, with open eyes we are eager to see the results of our laboring away in prayer. Sometimes we see the effects of our prayer right away. I mean, say, a day or two, maybe three days later, we see that our prayer has been expediently answered. It didn’t take God long. He worked his angels to get what we needed, or what someone else we prayed for needed. Sometimes it is a week, but nevertheless we considered that the prayer was still answered relatively fast. We are happy with the result—the speed.