Does the Teacher Follow the New Testament? Part 2 (TMF:908)

Peace to Live By: Does the Teacher Follow the New Testament? Part 2 (TMF:908) - Daniel Litton
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       John makes things rather simple. He says that whoever follows his teaching, basically whoever follows what the New Testament says, is from God. And, whoever does not, is not from God. So, these would be people who twist Scripture. They are not keeping harmony within God’s people, but are rather causing division. A good and easy example of this would be Mormonism, where its original author, Joseph Smith, just took the Bible and interpreted it to mean whatever came to his mind, which was not already accepted by others in the church. And then he created his own Bible for his followers to live by, claiming it was the Word of God, when it is not. The Spirit wants us to purge these people from our midst because they take away the harmony he wants by creating disorder and error. The harmony in the church that is produced by our following the Spirit individually is for the glory of God.