We All Need to Participate in Spiritual Growth (TMF:960)

Peace to Live By: We All Need to Participate in Spiritual Growth (TMF:960) - Daniel Litton
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       But, I think all of us will admit, that if we look at our lives or if we were able to stand outside of ourselves for a second, we would see that we are lacking in a lot of areas when it comes to character development. Some of us are more developed than others, and each of us have our strong traits and our weak traits. So, we all have room to grow; we all need to participate in spiritual growth. We are either moving forward in life at becoming more like Jesus, or we are moving backwards in becoming less and less like Jesus. If you think you are neutral right now, you are moving backwards and today is a good day to start growing forward again. But before we dive headfirst into this, let’s review the passage from Galatians 5, which talks about the Fruit of the Spirit: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5:22, 23, ESV).

Introduction to The Holy Spirit's Fruit in Our Lives (TMF:959)

Peace to Live By: Introduction to The Holy Spirit's Fruit in Our Lives (TMF:959) - Daniel Litton
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       Today I am beginning a new series on the Fruit of the Spirit, and we are going to be consider each fruit individually over the next three weeks. I believe it is really important to understand each of these characteristics that God wants us to be displaying in our lives. These are the attitudes in life that are good attitudes that have no law against them. When we display these fruits, it gives us better lives, more enjoyable for ourselves and lives that are a blessing to others. Now, some of these areas you may already have a good grasp and practice in, but there are others that need a lot of work. Indeed, we all have work that needs to be accomplished. None of us are perfect in our thoughts, our words, or our behaviors, and we all have room to improve in each of these areas. It seems reasonable to presume that when we believed in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, that is, each of us individually, we were given the seeds of these fruits. After all, God said we are new creations in Christ, that the old has passed away, that the new has come. The terminology in that verse in 2 Corinthians 5 makes it clear that this process has already taken place, that of the old passing away and the new coming.

Jesus Brings People into Relationship with God (TMF:958)

Peace to Live By: Jesus Brings People into Relationship with God (TMF:958) - Daniel Litton
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       Jesus brings people into relationship with God. And my, let me tell you there is nothing like being in right relationship with God. He is our loving Father, and there is nothing like the fulfillment one experiences with their fellowshipping with him. And not only that, because he is our Father, he gives us both good things now, and even better things in the future after this life is over. We will be with him forever, and be in total peace within ourselves and total harmony with those who are with us in Heaven. You cannot lose by coming into right relationship with God. With God, all there is, is gain. If you would like to come in a personal relationship with God today through Jesus, then follow my lead in this prayer: God, today I am separated from you. I want to turn from doing things my way, and accept your free gift of life and payment for my offenses by what Jesus accomplished on the cross for me. I believe he did come to the earth, that he died, and that he rose again for me. I want a new life today, and want to trust in you. Please, Father, help me to start over again today, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Jesus Died to Provide Our Payment for Our Wrongs (TMF:957)

Peace to Live By: Jesus Died to Provide Our Payment for Our Wrongs (TMF:957) - Daniel Litton
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       In fact, God sent his Son Jesus into the world, some 2,000 years ago, and he died on a cross to provide a payment for God for all the wrongs humans have done in their lives. You see, in order for us as humans to be in right relationship with God, he requires that we have a payment for all the wrongs we’ve done in our lives, all of our offenses against him. God is a holy, righteous, and just God, and in his holiness he demands payment for people’s sins, the wrong things they’ve done against him. Thankfully, though, Jesus came to the earth, died on the cross for our sins, and anyone who accepts his death as a substitute payment for their sins can be made right with God today. He or she can come into total peace with God, and never be in danger of the judgment that God is going to bring against individuals in the near future. Jesus conquered the grave, rising from the dead, and is with God today in Heaven. Just as Jesus has new life today, anyone who believes in Jesus also gets a new life. All of their sins are blotted out, and they are made clean both now and forever.

God Requires We Have a Payment for All Wrongs (TMF:956)

Peace to Live By: God Requires We Have a Payment for All Wrongs (TMF:956) - Daniel Litton
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       My goal is to see people growing into becoming better in their lives as Christians, to becoming more and more like Jesus in their lives. And it could be today that there are some of you out there who don’t know God, who don’t have a personal relationship with God. You feel that you have no connection with him. Well, I am here today to tell you that you can be in right relationship with God. It is true that God wants to come into relationship with everyone in the world, and that includes you today. In fact, God sent his Son Jesus into the world, some 2,000 years ago, and he died on a cross to provide a payment for God for all the wrongs humans have done in their lives. You see, in order for us as humans to be in right relationship with God, he requires that we have a payment for all the wrongs we’ve done in our lives, all of our offenses against him. God is a holy, righteous, and just God, and in his holiness he demands payment for people’s sins, the wrong things they’ve done against him.