Short-Term Patience- Patience in Flying, Part 1 (TMF:995)

Peace to Live By: Short-Term Patience- Patience in Flying, Part 1 (TMF:995) - Daniel Litton
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       Recently I had a situation where I had to remain patient and utilize faith in order to see the problem through. I was in Florida this past January, and I was leaving to come back home here to Ohio on a Saturday. It just so happened that I was departing on the same day that Winter Storm Jonas in New England was reaping havoc. When I was on the airplane in Tampa, after the captain announced the delay, there was a guy next to me with his wife (I’m assuming) who got all worked up and started prophesying for himself negative things to come for this current flight and his connecting flight. I could have caved in to those around me and became upset myself, but I had to choose not to. And, it wasn’t easy. When I was in Atlanta waiting for my 5:30 flight, people kept coming up to the counter at the gate trying to get on my flight. There must have been 30 people on the waiting list. I had gotten on this flight because I had noticed Delta had canceled my Atlanta connecting flight and rescheduled me for Sunday morning. But I got on this Saturday afternoon flight because I had noticed the button to look for other flights, and selected one. God had drawn the change to my attention and allowed me to make the change for Saturday I believe because I kept my patience and faith.

Short-Term Patience- Life's Daily Situations (TMF:994)

Peace to Live By: Short-Term Patience- Life's Daily Situations (TMF:994) - Daniel Litton
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       People believe in the negative aspect of confessing bad things for themselves. But we should be repeating to ourselves and God things that we want to happen, and have confidence that they will. We should expressive faith in our words, and not fear. But patience isn’t just a long term thing. There are many things in life we have to, and should, be patient about on a daily basis. Indeed, having and displaying patience is supposed to be part of our character as we become more like Jesus. Sometimes we have to utilize patience with those whom we are around, whether people in our families or people at work. Often times people don’t act just like we want them to, but act in a way that causes us to become impatient with them. And problems develop with situations that require patience. We need to realize that things are not always going to be roses and cherries. Things aren’t always going to go the way we want them to go. Again, this is just how daily living is in our fallen world. Jesus said we would have to deal with tribulation, but remember he is always with you and will help you with difficult situations that arise.

Long-Term Patience- Enjoying Our Now Time (TMF:993)

Peace to Live By: Long-Term Patience- Enjoying Our Now Time (TMF:993) - Daniel Litton
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       Yes, waiting for something can be really hard, but it is true that we can enjoy our lives while we are waiting for whatever it is. Did you know that? Just because you are waiting for the next season of your life to begin, or the next chapter, that does not mean that you should stop living and wait. We are to wait for sure, but as we wait we can still enjoy our lives in the process. We don’t have to wish-away our current season in order for the next one to begin. As a matter of fact, we can enjoy our now time and look forward for our desire or need to come. We can have hope our provision is coming because God is good and always provides what we need. And we can confess this hope to ourselves and to God. I believe God likes it when we do this. You will often hear people say something bad that hasn’t happened to them, and then say, “Knock on wood.” People believe in the negative aspect of confessing bad things for themselves. But we should be repeating to ourselves and God things that we want to happen, and have confidence that they will. We should expressive faith in our words, and not fear.

Long-Term Patience- Abraham's Example, Part 2 (TMF:992)

Peace to Live By: Long-Term Patience- Abraham's Example, Part 2 (TMF:992) - Daniel Litton
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       Sometimes it seems that all hope is lost in a situation, and that there is really nothing to hope for. That’s what it seemed like for Abraham and Sarah in having a son from their own flesh. Abraham was elderly, and Sarah had been unable to have children. But since God had said what was going to happen, Abraham took him at his word. Paul said “he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised” (ESV). And that’s the model all of us should be following when we find ourselves in this type of situation. Now, we know that Abraham did try to fulfill the promise of God through Hagar, Sarah’s maidservant (see Genesis 16). But we need to remember that we must wait on God to act, and not try to act out of our own flesh and our own ways to make something happen. That’s being impatient. Yes, waiting for something can be really hard, but it is true that we can enjoy our lives while we are waiting for whatever it is. Did you know that? Just because you are waiting for the next season of your life to begin, or the next chapter, that does not mean that you should stop living and wait.

Long-Term Patience- Abraham's Example, Part 1 (TMF:991)

Peace to Live By: Long-Term Patience- Abraham's Example, Part 1 (TMF:991) - Daniel Litton
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       When it comes to practicing long-term patience, probably the best passage I can take you to is found in Romans chapter 4. Let's go ahead and turn there. Romans chapter 4, starting in verse 18: “In hope he [Abraham] believed against hope, that he should become the father of many nations, as he had been told, “So shall your offspring be.” He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body, which was as good as dead (since he was about a hundred years old), or when he considered the barrenness of Sarah’s womb. No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised” (Romans 4:18-21, ESV). This passage is personally my favorite on this subject of patience. There are some things in life that we know God is going to give us, but we just don’t know when he is going to answer our prayer with a yes and provide the need. And for some even, God has promised us a certain, specific thing. He has given us insight into something that he is going to do, but he just hasn’t told us when he is going to do it. Yes, God often operates this way and did this quite a lot in the Bible.