The Spirit Guarantees our Inheritance (TMF:881)

Peace to Live By: The Spirit Guarantees our Inheritance (TMF:881) - Daniel Litton
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       When the Spirit bears witness with our spirit, we know that we belong to God and that we will go to Heaven in the future when we die, or are Raptured. But Paul’s emphasis here is that the Holy Spirit guarantees our “inheritance.” That is, the good things that we will receive in Heaven from our following the Spirit in this life, our obedience to Jesus and his Word. This should be very encouraging for us. This is a great thing. Remember, Jesus said to “lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6:20, ESV). And, of course, this is for God’s glory and praise. God loves to give us good things, and he is going to give us great things in the future. Jesus is preparing a place for us right now, and even though we love to follow God with our hearts and perhaps don’t expect or require anything in return, he will give generously to us nonetheless. Again, God loves to give us good things.