Intro to The Model Church of the Thessalonians (TMF:913)

Peace to Live By: Intro to The Model Church of the Thessalonians (TMF:913) - Daniel Litton
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       We often nowadays as Christians, both those employed by a church and those who are not, consider how churches are to function, and what a church should look like in its functioning. Unfortunately, there seems to be a continuous debate over what a church should do, that is, how it should manage its time—what activities it should participate in, and what each individual member should be devoting his or her time toward. The Church at Thessalonica was a church that had all things together, and those who were part of it were focusing on the right things. Paul praised them for that. There are multiple facets and qualities that should be part of any growing and thriving church, these qualities of which the church in Thessalonica modeled. They are in order as they appear, and are as follows: 1) Great faith, 2) Works of love, 3) Waits for the return of Jesus, 4) Becomes imitators of good human examples, 5) Believes and continues despite persecution, 6) Becomes an example to other churches, 7) Becomes disciple-makers, and 8) Believes only in the True God.