The Thessalonians Were an Obedient Church (TMF:914)

Peace to Live By: The Thessalonians Were an Obedient Church (TMF:914) - Daniel Litton
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       1 Thessalonians 1:1: “Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace” (ESV). Interestingly enough, Paul doesn’t give himself a title with his name when starting this letter to the church in Thessalonica, like that of ‘Apostle.’ He gives a less formal greeting which is more personable. And so it becomes clear that Paul has a special place in his heart for this church. And it’s probably because of their obedience in everything he and his companions had taught them and showed them when they had shared the Gospel with them sometime before this. Paul knew, as we will see in the next verse, that their love was genuine. And this church, like any good and growing church should do, had held fast to the Word of God. They had not shifted from the Gospel which had been presented to them. This undoubtedly made Paul proud of them. It is important to note also that Paul equated God the Father and God the Son here, by using the word “and” to combine them as one in his first sentence to the church.