A Pessimistic Attitude is a Sinful Attitude (TMF:899)

Peace to Live By: A Pessimistic Attitude is a Sinful Attitude (TMF:899) - Daniel Litton
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       Probably one of the biggest problems Christians have is when we are expecting bad to happen instead of good. If we have a negative outlook, we will always be saying the negative thing that we think is going to happen. Let’s say your furnace quits working, and you have to call the furnace company to come out to your house. A negative person will say something like, “I bet this is going to be bad. I bet I’m going to have a huge bill. In fact, I will probably need a new furnace. It seems like something bad always has to happen!” Now, a positive person would say something like, “Well, that’s too bad my furnace has quit working. I don’t think the bill is going to be that high. I think the repair will be cheap and easy. This is just a one-time fluke. I have a good furnace.” That’s the difference between the negative and positive person. The positive person is always hoping for, and expecting the best. And he or she verbalizes this with their speech. It’s easy, and shameful at times, that you can recognize a person easily by the things they say. All you have to do is just listen to a person for a short while.