03 November 2024

Desire, Ability, & Opportunity, Part 3 (TMF:2480)

Peace to Live By: Desire, Ability, & Opportunity, Part 3 (TMF:2480) - Daniel Litton
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       Second, to be good at doing whatever it is, we need to have the ability. Are we able to do it? Do have particular talent in doing whatever it is. A good way to gauge that if you’re really not sure, or if you’re doubtful of your own abilities, is to ask someone. Or, have people told you over the years that you're good at this particular thing? Do you find yourself enjoying your time whenever you are doing it? Do you have the drive to do it more and more? If so, sounds like you have the ability. Third, there needs to be the opportunity for whatever it is. Sure, we can have the desire to do something. And, we can also have the ability to do it. But, do we have the opportunity? Opportunity is something that God often provides for us. We may have the desire and ability, and be praying for God to present the opportunity. Sometimes he does, and sometimes he doesn’t. If there is no opportunity, then how can we do what we originally have thought up to do? We can’t. There has to be that opportunity. When opportunity comes, we know God is guiding us.

Desire, Ability, & Opportunity, Part 2 (TMF:2479)

Peace to Live By: Desire, Ability, & Opportunity, Part 2 (TMF:2479) - Daniel Litton
(Tap to play feature or right-click to download)

       We can be presented with all sorts of paths. I certainly have been in the course of my life so far. There is one path someone says we should go, and then there is another path. In all of this, however, this is one thing that needs to be present within us in order for us to successfully go down that path. And that is, desire. Do we have the desire to really want to do this thing? Does it come from our hearts? Or, are we just doing it to impress other people, or because we believe we are commanded from the Bible to do it? Those foundations won’t work long-term. Anytime God wants us to do something, he gives us the desire to do that very thing. Second, to be good at doing whatever it is, we need to have the ability. Are we able to do it? Do have particular talent in doing whatever it is. A good way to gauge that if you’re really not sure, or if you’re doubtful of your own abilities, is to ask someone. Or, have people told you over the years that you're good at this particular thing? Do you find yourself enjoying your time whenever you are doing it?

Desire, Ability, & Opportunity, Part 1 (TMF:2478)

Peace to Live By: Desire, Ability, & Opportunity, Part 1 (TMF:2478) - Daniel Litton
(Tap to play feature or right-click to download)

       Really, at the end of the day, there are three things that need to be present in order for us to be successful at anything. I want us to go over these one by one, so that we understand the concept. This can also work as a filter to see if we are in God’s will for our lives. These three things will be present when we are on the right track with anything. Even if one of them is absent, we know that this path we are on, or are about to embark upon, is the incorrect path. So, let’s go over these three things: desire, ability, and opportunity. First and foremost, before we should do anything in life, there must be the desire from our hearts to start doing it. Sounds basic, yet, it’s something we need to understand. We can be presented with all sorts of paths. I certainly have been in the course of my life so far. There is one path someone says we should go, and then there is another path. In all of this, however, this is one thing that needs to be present within us in order for us to successfully go down that path. And that is, desire. Do we have the desire to really want to do this thing?

Not Caring Equals True Confidence, Part 2 (TMF:2477)

Peace to Live By: Not Caring Equals True Confidence, Part 2 (TMF:2477) - Daniel Litton
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       In giving up control of something, we have to say, “God, I’m okay if this happens the way I want it to, and I am okay if it doesn’t.” It doesn’t mean he always will do what we want, but he will a lot of times when we are surrendered. We have cast our care on him, as he has told us to do. We aren’t holding anything up as too important. This shows our confidence in God, and really in ourselves. We are confident that God loves us no matter what, and we are confident in ourselves in that we know we will be okay no matter what happens. In our minds, it is easy to come up with expectations of what we desire from other people. We can come up with beliefs that people should treat us a certain way. When they don’t, we get upset. But, we don’t get upset if we are surrendered. It makes it so that we aren’t too attached to what people think of us, or of what they might do for us or against us. And, if we don’t care, when people say things against us it will go in one ear and out the other. This is because we have our happiness in God, not people.

Not Caring Equals True Confidence, Part 1 (TMF:2476)

Peace to Live By: Not Caring Equals True Confidence, Part 1 (TMF:2476) - Daniel Litton
(Tap to play feature or right-click to download)

       When we are all stressed out, we all have things that we are intensely focused on. That is what is causing the stress—we want things to go a certain way. We are afraid of an outcome that we don’t like. What we have to do is dial things back a bit. We need to learn that true confidence comes from our ability not to care so much, or not to care too much. Another way we could look at it is not to magnify our problems so much that they become larger than life. Problems can become much bigger than they really are, and this occurs inside of our minds. So, how do we learn not to care so much, or to not over-care? Well, it all comes down to being surrendered in everything. When we are surrendered, we have humbled ourselves. We have made it so that we are not stuck on a fixed outcome in a given situation. We are surrendered in something when we know we will be at peace no matter what the outcome. We can safely do this because we know, at the end of the day, that “All that matters is God.”