Limiting Ourselves is Good, Part 2 (TMF:2390)

Peace to Live By: Limiting Ourselves is Good, Part 2 (TMF:2390) - Daniel Litton
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       We aren’t going to be able to develop lasting, deep relationships because we simply don’t have the time. We’ve got more and more people to talk to. I would rather have a few friends that I am close to and enjoy than thirty friends that I can’t keep up with. Yeah, I may feel cool and popular in the latter case, but my happiness will suffer because I will feel like I’m really not close to anybody at the end of the day. The truth is, most of us already have enough. What we should do is try to enjoy what we already have. Whether that’s our money or our relationships. Most of us can be perfectly happy, and are in a lot of cases, happy with the money we already make. We can focus that money on the areas that we enjoy, whether that’s hobbies or even eating out. Sure, more money may allow us to do what we already do on a more grander scale, but that is all. We should also focus on the relationships we do have, growing these deeper, instead of always trying to get more. In this last case, quality is definitely more important than quantity.