Understanding Happiness as a Choice, Part 3 (TMF:2402)

Peace to Live By: Understanding Happiness as a Choice, Part 3 (TMF:2402) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       That can be possessions, our career, other people, how much money’s in the bank, whatever. Those things are all subject to change. What’s interesting about focusing on the external is that we know that no matter how rich we are, whether that is in possessions or friends, that that really doesn’t even guarantee our happiness, does it? Think of all the celebrities who’ve had all the possessions and friends, and yet ended up unhappy. The truth is that happiness is inside of us; that is where it belongs. And that happy feeling comes, again, from our knowing everything between us and God is good. This is made possible initially by what Jesus has accomplished for the world on the cross. His raising from the dead to new life means we can have new life. That’s really all we need, and really all that can give us access to the happiness we want. When we practice, when we live out our relationships with God, then we experience happiness. There is nothing like spending time with him, knowing everything is really okay, knowing that we don’t need anything besides him.