Having Specific Prayer Days, Part 2 (TMF:2405)

Peace to Live By: Having Specific Prayer Days, Part 2 (TMF:2405) - Daniel Litton
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       One common one I do is praying for the leaders of my church. Let’s say I do that on Sunday’s. So, on Sunday’s after I complete my regular prayer time, I will spend, say five minutes, praying for the leaders of the church, the pastors, the elders, the deacons, and whoever else comes to mind. By doing this on Sundays, I know that every week when Sunday comes around, this is the group of people I will pray for. Another group I have often prayed for is government leaders. So, let’s say I do that on Thursdays. Again, after my normal prayer time, I will pray for Federal leaders, like the President, Vice President, House, Senate, and Supreme Court justices. I will also then pray for local leaders, like the Governor, Ohio justices, nearby government officials, and even local school boards. This way, again, these people get their proper prayer time on a weekly basis. Now, I’m not perfectionistic about this, but I think it is a good way to easily remember to pray for certain groups of people the Bible tells us to pray for.