Our Brains Have a Negative Bias, Part 2 (TMF:2419)

Peace to Live By: Our Brains Have a Negative Bias, Part 2 (TMF:2419) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       It is so much easier for us to remember the bad things that happen, and so easy for us to forget the good things. I know this personally to be true because I have a habit of keeping track of good things that happen in my life. I will make a note of them when they happen to look back on at a later time. Sometimes, when I go back to read those records I have kept, I don’t even recall the good thing that I noted until I re-look at it. This just goes to show how the positive easily escapes the mind. The beautiful thing is, is that we can re-gear, or re-wire our brains more toward the positive overtime. “That sounds interesting” someone might say. “How do I do that? I want to do that.” Interestingly enough, we accomplish this by doing what the Apostle Paul instructed us to do. “What’s that?” Well, it’s thinking about the positive, thinking about the good things. When we set out minds on the ‘good’ things, this not only makes us feel better, but my understanding is that it can actually cause physiological changes in our brains where they can actually rewire themselves overtime.