Not Judging the Creator at All, Part 1 (TMF:2430)

Peace to Live By: Not Judging the Creator at All, Part 1 (TMF:2430) - Daniel Litton
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       One of the most foundational principles I have found to keeping our happiness, or giving ourselves happiness when we lack it, is to hold to the dictum: “I do not judge the Creator.” Why is this simple statement so helpful? Well, when bad things happen in our lives, let’s face it, there is usually this temptation to blame God for it. We think, “God could of prevented this from happening, and he didn’t. So, he is at fault.” Or, we think, “Why didn’t God help me with this? Why am I in these dyer circumstances? What is wrong with you God.” See what is going on here? We are blaming God for the bad situation we have found ourselves in. Yet, God isn’t the one causing it. If there was ever a person we might think would demonstrate this kind of behavior in the Bible, it is Joseph from the Book of Genesis. Remember the story of Joseph? His father had given him a beautiful, colorful robe, so that he stood out perhaps more than all of his brothers. But one day his brothers, in their jealousy, decided they were going to harm him. The stripped his robe off of him and threw him in a hole. Then, when they saw a group of their enemies coming, they ended up selling him as a slave to those enemies.