Not Judging the Creator at All, Part 3 (TMF:2432)

Peace to Live By: Not Judging the Creator at All, Part 3 (TMF:2432) - Daniel Litton
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       In light of all these things, then, it seems Joseph would of had the right to accuse God. I mean, didn’t it seem logical that God was at fault for not helping him? And yet, we see that he never accused God of wrong. I think a lot of us in Joesph’s shoes wouldn’t be able to take it. It seems to me that we would end up accusing God of all the bad that had befallen us. And yet, Joseph was able to keep his internal happiness even when is outward world was falling apart. Even when people thought badly of him when he really didn’t do anything. You see, our happiness, like Joseph so clearly demonstrates for us, is found in our relationship with God. Nowhere else. To base our happiness solely in the world is uncertain. To base our happiness in our own ability is even uncertain. But, in basing our happiness in God, we find that no matter what happens in our lives, we can always be happy with him as our foundation. It means we really cannot lose anything—anything of lasting value. We truly gain our souls this way as we hold the world loosely.