A Looking Forward to Heaven List, Part 3 (TMF:2435)

Peace to Live By: A Looking Forward to Heaven List, Part 3 (TMF:2435) - Daniel Litton
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       Actually, I don’t think it’s far out to consider that particular brands and such will be there. I think it actually is possible there will be Fords and other car brands in Heaven (because remember, Heaven is eventually on the new earth; let’s not forget that). I do know for sure there will be one particular car manufacturer there, and that will be the Delorean Motor Company. I’ll let you figure that out on your own time. But, the most important thing is that, whether in Heaven, or during the Millennial Kingdom, or on the new earth, we will be physically with God. We spend our earthly time trying to reach God, trying to have substantive time with him. We do that through mediation and prayer. Some of us get pretty far with that. Only, when we are actually, physically with God, it will be like those best of times times a thousand. It will be truly, purely incredible, so much so that the other stuff I have mentioned might not seem so desirable and fantastic after all in comparison.