The Mind's Thoughts vs. God's, Part 1 (TMF:2474)

Peace to Live By: The Mind's Thoughts vs. God's, Part 1 (TMF:2474) - Daniel Litton
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       Fear can be a driving force. We can be afraid of all sorts of things. Fear can be present that we aren’t pleasing God, that we aren’t doing what we are supposed to be doing, that we aren’t living up to where we really should be in life. And fear can be powerful. Through fear, we can develop incorrect beliefs whereby we make decisions that are not really good for us. They may seem good at the time, but later we find out that they aren’t that good. No, our fear had deceived us into making a decision that really wasn’t beneficial for us. That’s what fear can do. So, the key to protect our happiness is to realize that when are minds are full of fear, then something is wrong. Remember, the Apostle John has taught us that prefect love casts out the fear from our minds. So, if our minds are full of fear, then what is going on? Making decisions out of fear will usually turn out to be wrong later. I mean, in making decisions out of lack. Sure, we do want to protect ourselves from sin and whatnot, but even with that we need to be careful.