Good Works Not Bearing Fruit? Part 2 (TMF:2525)

Peace to Live By: Good Works Not Bearing Fruit? Part 2 (TMF:2525) - Daniel Litton
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       But if a person tries it, getting past that dread, they should then evaluate how they feel once they are into it or afterward. If God is leading the person do it, at some point the desire should spark up and lead the way. It seems contradicting, however, that Paul again brings up “increasing in the knowledge of God.” This is because he just began this whole section talking about the knowledge of God. Remember, he prayed that the Colossians would be “filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.” So, in this second mention, it seems to be that the desire behind Paul’s prayer is that this “knowledge” would in fact “increase.” So, when he first mentions knowledge at the beginning, he is talking about having knowledge in the first place. Now he is talking about have this knowledge “increase.” And it is interesting that the increasing of the knowledge is coupled with what was just examined regarding good works. It’s almost as if the good works create an ‘experiential’ knowledge.