Our Needed Endurance in Life, Part 2 (TMF:2530)

Peace to Live By: Our Needed Endurance in Life, Part 2 (TMF:2530) - Daniel Litton
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       Let’s pick the most obvious one first. You guessed it, it’s Satan. Satan and his demons. That one seems obvious. He was the angel who rebelled against God (of which it appears that betrayal occurred right after God created the world) and he took one-third of the angelic hosts with him. We generally call them the demons, though some think that demons are different evil spirits from the rebellious fallen angels that followed Satan. Whatever the case, for our purposes, we note that they work against God, which means they also work against us. But there is more. It isn’t just Satan and the demons who are responsible for the need “for all endurance and patience with joy” on our parts. What else could we cite? Sticking with persons, let’s consider the fact that humans, individuals (and even sometimes us), screw things up. Things get messed up when we either don’t follow God’s will for our lives by acting in sinful ways, or when we make unwise choices, say out of ignorance (which aren’t necessarily sin, just unwise), and then things get messed up.