The Four Areas of Effect on the World, Part 1 (TMF:2531)

Peace to Live By: The Four Areas of Effect on the World, Part 1 (TMF:2531) - Daniel Litton
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       Things get messed up when we either don’t follow God’s will for our lives by acting in sinful ways, or when we make unwise choices, say out of ignorance (which aren’t necessarily sin, just unwise), and then things get messed up. So, since we are beings too, and have a part to play in the grand scheme of things, in God’s world, we also can make choices that affect the world negatively. For now, for the negative conditions, we have first listed Satan and his demons, and now second we have listed us. But, there’s more. It simply isn’t these two things that can cause issues. There is a third area. The third area may not be as obvious, or it may be. Really, it depends on how a person views things. What we are talking about now is chance—the randomness or arbitrary-ness that comes with the natural world. For the person who believes everything, and literally everything, is predetermined, then this third area might fall on deaf ears. For the person, however, who doesn’t feel everything is predetermined, then this point seems helpful.