The Four Areas of Effect on the World, Part 2 (TMF:2532)

Peace to Live By: The Four Areas of Effect on the World, Part 2 (TMF:2532) - Daniel Litton
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       What is a basic example of randomness? Well, I wish this specific example didn’t have to be brought up, but recently, in driving home late one night from the workplace, out the left-side of the window, in a flash of the moment, was seen a rabbit running across the road. Unfortunately, it was too late for this little fellow. He transcended. Now, taking a pause, and a breather, for it did bother the mind, it could be said that God preordained this event of the rabbit’s leaving the world Or would it be better said that this event took place as a result of the randomness that is often present in the world? And what factors are behind this randomness seems to be incredibly complex. So, now, we have three causes for the negative things in our world. One, Satan. Two, ourselves. Three, randomness. All these things cause for negativity in the world that has to be endured, and often with trusting patience. But before we move away from discussing this, there are still yet two more areas.