Christ- the Fullness of God, Part 2 (TMF:2561)
Monday, March 03, 2025
Peace to Live By: Christ- the Fullness of God, Part 2 (TMF:2561) - Daniel Litton
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  So, just as the Son is the fullness of God, so the church is the fullness of the Son. It is almost as if the Apostle is responding to a counterargument, and that does seem likely to be the case. There were those who had influence in Colossae who were teaching that Christ was not actually God, and one reason for this, as the reasoning goes, is that God would not reside in a human body. That would be too beneath him. He wouldn’t do that. (We will return to this in a little while.) So, what Epaphras had taught them, the truth about Christ, was being strived against from these incorrect people. We understand that this kind of belief, this line of thinking, is still present in our world today—seemingly within what some would call ‘Christian’ thought, where a group uses this verse to deny the Godship of Christ, the Deity of Christ. We would know these people as the Jehovah’s Witnesses.