Will All People Be Brought to God? Part 1 (TMF:2563)

Peace to Live By: Will All People Be Brought to God? Part 1 (TMF:2563) - Daniel Litton
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       This brings up the idea, while discussing these two people groups, that all will be saved. All will be saved. Universalism. The belief, the idea, that in the end, God will end up bringing everyone into Heaven, or everyone to the new earth. Hell may not exist, or it may exist and then people turn out of it. These are the ideas. And while they certainly sound appealing, and while some individuals have gone to great lengths in trying to argue the case for it—there simply is a lack of evidence. To deny Hell, that’s nearly impossible in reading the Gospels and New Testament both. Some try then to say people will come out of Hell—that they will be saved after going there. One by one they will come, turning from their disbelief, or their rebellion, and repent, and thusly enter into eternal peace with God. The problem with that, and a verse that seems impossible to get around, is what Jesus said in Matthew 25.