The Old Life vs. The New Life, Part 3 (TMF:2567)

Peace to Live By: The Old Life vs. The New Life, Part 3 (TMF:2567) - Daniel Litton
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       That would also mean there should be a contrast now in the lives of Christians. There should be a difference—and unfortunately, this difference is often seen to be lacking in a lot of people who make the claim of faith. This is noticed to be especially true among evangelical churches. Evangelical Christianity’s blurring of the line with the world has also translated itself oftentimes into a blur in people’s characters, people’s behaviors. This disparity has led some to seek other avenues, other modes of practice, fellowship, whatever you want to call it, but let’s not get too off track here. The point is that there should be a clear difference between what was in the past before knowledge of Christ, and what is now in relationship with Christ. (And for those who came to know Christ as a young child, it’s understandable if there wasn’t much a former life. Let’s acknowledge that and not forget those individuals). Remember, though, in Paul’s time, the church was new. Christianity was new.