The Benefit of Our God Relationship, Part 1 (TMF:2259)

Peace to Live By: The Benefit of Our God Relationship, Part 1 (TMF:2259) - Daniel Litton
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       When we are in relationship with God, we realize that it is he that really, ultimately matters. Everything else becomes secondary. That includes our earthly relationships and all of our possessions. The greatness of God is enough for us. Really, in the final analysis, that’s why we were created in the first place, to be in fellowship with God. When we spend time with God, we are fulfilling the purpose for our existence, for the reason we reside here on the earth. It’s not necessarily that we were placed on this earth to do anything in particular. It’s not so we are people on mission. Again, mission like all other things, is secondary. Some people base their existence on what they have obtained in this world. They will show us their nice house, their car, show off their wife or husband, show us pictures of their kids... but what does all of this really amount to? These are things which were gained by living in this world, and they are all things that, without exception, will be given up someday in the future.